High Density Polyethylene HBM 5510


HBM 5510

HBM 5510 is a high density polyethylene which is produced specifically for blown molding of huge parts.

This grade is produced by 1-Hexene and it presents high stiffness, good proccessability, excellent parison melt strength.

HBM 5510 is produced under LyondellBasell license.



The important properties of High Density Polyethylene HBM 5510 including good ESCR, high stiffness, well proccessability and excellent parison melt strength.

Conveyor equipment should be designed to prevent the accumulation of fine particles and dust. These particles can cause an explosion under certain conditions. We recommend that the transmission system be equipped with adequate filters and operated and maintained in such a way as to ensure no leakage.



High Density Polyethylene HBM 5510 materials are used in the field of blow molding of large parts, standard and light gallons, and open drums up to 110 liters. This product is a relatively impact-resistant polymer that maintains its properties up to a temperature of 120 degrees Celsius and has high resistance to warping, and on the other hand, it has excellent melt strength.



The manufacturer of HBM 5510 is Arya Sasol polymer company.



Click the below ink to view or download the technical datasheet of High Density Polyethylene HBM 5510.

Datasheet HBM 5510


Customs Tariff

The customs tariff code of LLDPE for Turkey is 39011039.

The customs tariff code of high density polyethylene produced in Qatar is 39012099.

The customs tariff code of food grade high density polyethylene is 39012030.

The customs tariff code of high density industrial-herten polyethylene is 39012039.



Do not hesitate to contact Afshin Karami Trading Group to get information about price of HBM 5510 materials, purchase, sale and export of the product.


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