Lightweight polyethylene film LFI 2047A

Lightweight polyethylene film LFI 2047A

Lightweight polyethylene film is a polymer stop material and belongs to the group of thermoplastics. This polyethylene has a branched chain. Its chains can not bond well with each other and therefore have weak intermolecular strength and lower tensile strength of LDPE.

Features of LFI 2047A lightweight polyethylene film

LFI2047A style polyethylene grade has good roughness and light properties. This product includes a moderate amount of anti-block and urocamide, low energy consumption during the process and down draw ability. And generally has a low coefficient of friction and non-adhesion.

Manufacturers of LFI 2047A Lightweight Polyethylene Film

LFI2047A light polyethylene grade is produced under the license of Sabetek Company in Ariasasol Petrochemical.

Application Lightweight polyethylene film LFI 2047A

LFI2047A style polyethylene grade is recommended for extrusion film blown. This grade is suitable for the production of transparent laundry bags and zippered bags. This grade has a high conversion speed without adhesion.

Polyethylene film style sheet LFI 2047A

Click on the link below to view the LFI 2047A data sheet.

data sheet LFI2047A

Customs Tariff Lightweight Polyethylene Film LFI 2047A

Customs tariff code 39011039 is LLDPE light polyethylene from Turkey.

Customs tariff code 39011030 is a linear style polyethylene film grade of France.

For information on the price of LFI 2047A lightweight polyethylene film, contact Afshin Karami Trading Group.


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