Polyethylene LL8446

Polyethylene LL8446 is a type of linear lightweight polyethylene. To produce the film, linear lightweight polyethylene is added to lightweight polyethylene for higher tensile strength.

One of the important applications of these materials is the use of rotomolding. As you know, the density of linear lightweight polyethylene is higher than lightweight polyethylene.

Material properties of LL8446

This linear lightweight polyethylene has good processability and acceptable rigidity. Also, good impact resistance and milling capability are the features of these materials.

Application of LL8446 materials

The main application of this grade is in the field of rotomolding.
Polyethylene LL8446


Click on the link below to view the datasheet of this grade.
Datasheet LL8446


The manufacturer of this grade is ExxonMobil.

Customs Tariff

The customs tariff code for polyethylene film grade is 39012020.
The customs tariff code for injection grade polyethylene is 39012030.
The customs tariff code for linear polyethylene is 39011010.
For information on the price and how to export and supply LL8446 polyethylene, contact Karami Trading Group.


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