Heavy polyethylene F7000

Technical Datasheet 7000F

Customs Tariff

Customs tariff code is 39011039 LLDPE light polyethylene of Turkey.

Customs Tariff Code 39011030 is a linear lightweight polyethylene film grade in France.

For information about the price of F7000 materials and for more complete information, contact Afshin Karami Trading Group.

F7000 Heavy Polyethylene

Heavy polyethylene F7000 or F7000 HDPE material is one of the high density polyethylene grades and has a film application. Polyethylenes are one of the cheapest polymers, abbreviated PE. Grade of high molecular weight polyethylenes are used to produce films.

Features Material F7000

Features of this grade of heavy-duty HDPE grade polyethylene are high and acceptable film strength as well as its high molecular weight.


The F7000 is used in the production of advanced ultra-thin films, disposable gloves, freezer bags, food and fruit bags, trash bags, and medical gowns.

Manufacturer of F7000 materials

The manufacturer of F7000 HDPE is Mehr Petrochemical Company.


Click on the link below to view the datasheet of this grade


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