Polyvinyl chloride S65

S6558 polyvinyl chloride or PVC S65 material is a high density bulk PVC suspension used for pipe production (S65 pipe) and PVC fittings and injection.

PVC is a very common type of plastic. At present, it is one of the most valuable products of the petrochemical industry. Generally more than 50% of man-made PVC is used in construction; Because PVC is cheap and easy to attach.

Advantages of pvc

Continuous use at 60 ° C.

They have a wide range of flexibility, which is made possible by the addition of large amounts of fabric softener.

Relatively cheap. Compatible with add-ons.
Show good resistance to weathering and adverse weather conditions.

Stability has good dimensions.

Excellent resistance to water, aqueous solutions and chemicals.

S65 PVC feature

Features of this PVC include excellent water resistance, non-flammability against fire and high bulk density.

Application of S65 materials

This polyvinyl chloride can be used to make pipes, PVC fittings and injections.

Manufacturer of PVC S65

This grade is produced by Bandar Imam Petrochemical.


Click on the link below to view the data sheet of this product.
datasheet- s65

Customs Tariff

The customs tariff code for PVC film is 392043.

The customs tariff code for PVC edge tape is under row 392049.

For information on the price of S65 product, contact Afshin Karami Trading Group.


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