description of color Masterbatch:
the main components of color masterbatch include three parts: Adaptations, polymer carrier and pigment.
Masterbatches are available in tree types: Color Masterbatch, Additive Masterbatch and Filler Masterbatch. In this paper the color masterbatch will be illustrate. Theses materials contain a small amount of polymer and high amount of pigments. By reducing and increasing the concentration of materials, we can produce different types of materials.
Features of color Masterbatch:
Color masterbatch is available in two forms, liquid and solid. Using color masterbatch contribute to, increasing the quality of product’s color. In addition, it improves mechanical and physical properties.
Application of color Masterbatch:
Color masterbatch use in fields of producing shopping bags, wires, cars, carpets, cosmetics and cables, home appliances.
Karami Trading Services:
Export color Masterbatch
Sale of color Masterbatch
Supply and sale of color Masterbatch
Customs Tariff of color Masterbatch:
The customs tariff code for Masterbatch granules is 32041110.
For information on how to supply, export and prices of deferent kind of masterbatch contact Afshin Karami Trading Group.
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