Heavy polyethylene BL4

BL4 heavy polyethylene

The classification of polyethylene materials is based on their density, which divides the polymer into light, linear and heavy.


Features of BL4 polyethylene include stiffness, impact resistance and good ESCR.


BL4 material is used in the production of pneumatic parts and all large bottles and containers (less than 500 liters).


Manufacturer of BL4 Polyethylene Jam Petrochemical.


Click on the link below to view the datasheet of this grade
HDPE BL4 (HM-8355) Technical Datasheet </ a >

Customs Tariff

The customs tariff code is 39011039 LLDPE style polyethylene of Turkey.

Customs Tariff Code 39011030 is a linear style polyethylene film grade film of France.


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