Polypropylene homopolymer CR380

CR380 polypropylene homopolymer

CR380 polypropylene is a homopolymer that is a good choice for textile applications or thin sheets and films due to its high crystallization and low impact resistance.

Polypropylene properties

This polypropylene grade has a narrow molecular weight distribution and high melting current.

Manufacturer CR380

Manufacturer of CR380 polypropylene homopolymer of Polnar Petrochemical.

Application CR380 polypropylene homopolymer

CR380 polypropylene is suitable for non-woven fabrics for diapers, health, medical applications, protective fabrics for agricultural, industrial and medical applications.

Data Sheet

Click on the link below to view the CR380 polypropylene homopolymer datasheet.
Technical Datasheet CR 380

Customs Tariff

Polypropylene customs tariff code is 390921020.

The customs tariff code for polypropylene plastic materials is 39023091.

The customs tariff code for propylene materials is 390921091.

For information on the price of CR380 polypropylene homopolymer, contact Afshin Karami Trading Group.


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